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Feelings or mind? Which is more powerful?

People love to think how powerful they are. How easily they can win the battle with feelings. How they can put everything under their control. But what is the price of these words?

I have met a lot of people saying that they can put under control their feelings and act wisely in any situation. Well, it is their opinion, reality is different.

Emotions are part of our life. Uncontrollable, natural, real. That are joys, that are tears. But both are good because they keep us alive. Emotions live their own live, sometimes they are not logically understandable, but that is how it works.

What happens when a person decides to tame this natural power? That is the question I want to explain today.

Basically feelings are our reaction to the outer world. When we are trying to change or influence on this reaction, we are braking the whole process of nature. Surely, at least few times you have tried to kill or lessen emotions appeared not at the right time. What did you feel? I can answer: lack of energy. Killing emotions requires plenty of energy. Basically it means that you dividing yourself on two persons: natural you and the one created artificially. And then you force them to battle.

If a person forcing these battles often, he is just killing this small boy called "Emotion". He loos his power every time you do not listen to him. He is smaller, smaller and smaller and once he disappears. But with him disappears the way a person interact with the world. Without interaction there is no way to live in society, so it means that a person is hermit now. And as a human is social creature, actually a person dies.

You may say what the hell he is talking about. I had an example in real life: he was trying to kill and put under control everything. First, love because it was wrong time, than angry because you need to lie in order to live with some people, then happiness because you have to hide this if you want to look professionally. What is in the end? He lost ability to feel. He lost interest to live in the world. Because no more interaction. He almost started to live in the inside world (which leads to craziness).

But when he gave up this idea he realized that every feeling now hurts. And it hurts times as much as before. And even happiness hurts. Everything hurts but at least you are able to feel.

When you want to be strong and say that you can control your feelings, think whether there will be sense for living without real feelings or you can end up in the way you don not want.

This article seems to be artificial and unrealistic, but it is based on personal experience and notices. Think about your power of mind... or feelings.

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