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In God we trust or not?

More and more people today do not in believe in God and more and more people stop believing. What is the reason: science, psychology? Or maybe fashion? Probably I cannot give you an answer; it could first as well as second, but I see the reason behind fashion. Have you ever thought how much actions we do because of fashion? You can lie to yourself and say that I don't follow it, but you even cannot realize sometimes how deeply it is in our behavior. I can give you tones of examples how fashion influence on our basic actions.

I can give you one simple example. Imagine your dream life. Try to describe it with things you posses. Dream about where you live and what you do on daily basis. Now more or less you have a clear picture of what you mean by this "dream life". Most probably I know how it looks like. Do you know how could I know? It is easy. Fashion influenced on your way of thinking about dream place. And I know who was a preacher of that fashion. And most probably you know. It is Bondiana. Every 4 years a "brand new" perception of dream way of life appears on the screen, we watch it and we cannot be the same anymore. Because this fashion already inside our head.

Of course you can deny it. But to my disappointment you will just try to make fool of yourself, nothing more.

With religion everything works pretty the same. Years went and fashion more and more promoted that faith is something from the past which cannot work anymore. That basically it is relic of the past and it should sink into oblivion.

Frankly speaking I am also not a strong believer as well. I mean it is difficult to believe in institution which had such a different reputation throughout the history. And at all idea of church as an enterprise hardly believable to be so saint. But the reason here to detach two concepts: faith and religion. You can believe in God but do not believe in religion. So do I. Despite your faith, you still treat religion in a critical way.

Faith itself is a nice concept. Throughout the years it helped to unite people, to give them the last hope…

You know, many people will say full of confidence that they are orthodox atheists. But there is no person who will controvert existence of God in the hospital, nobody will claim being atheist on the war. Nobody says that God is a fiction when disaster appears or something happens to relatives. And the reason is that they stop acting like fashion talks and inside somewhere there is a faith people hide all the time. Nobody will make of jokes of one who prays when the plane is going to crash or when meets death on the close distance.

Fashion says that faith is the fate of the weak, but it is not fashionable to be weak. But when you face the problems where you are powerless, you are ready to be weak but see at least any wayout from this situation.

Faith is something more than we realize, it is deeply inside us and even if it have been crashed, it will rise from the ashes when there is nothing to do but believe and no mind can do anything with that. It is on the level of instinct.

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